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Griff is 2!!! - Maumelle Family Session

It has been such an honor to get to photograph Griff throughout his life. It seems like just yesterday I was walking into their hospital room to meet him for the first time and to capture his grandparents holding their brand-new little one.

Griff is full of spunk. He loves fire trucks, Mickey Mouse, and SLIDES! Much to his dismay, he could see the most fun, colorful slides off in the not-too-far distance during our session and desperately wanted to go play. But he took some great pictures, and hopefully his sliding reward was worth it. We also followed it up with a 4-pancake breakfast...turning two and taking pictures really can make you work up an appetite! :)

Two years old is hard. Griff did awesome, but if you notice, there aren't many pictures where everyone in the frame is looking and smiling! (And at least one of them I had to combine two images to make it look just so!) It doesn't mean pictures aren't worth it...because they totally are! Two year olds are full of expression and fun, and that is certainly worth documenting — and you won't get this stage back! Just come with expectations to play, eat snacks, and laugh, and I promise to be patient and capture this stage in your family for all that it is!


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