Look at this beautiful family...and the best part, is that they are MY family! Angie is my "big cousin" I always grew up looking up to. She and Jordan have three of my favorite kids around, and they are getting so big and grown up! When we started talking about their fall photos, she wasn't sure if she wanted just the kids or the family too and what she really wanted them to be like. But I'm so glad they all got in because the photos turned out just beautiful.
This time of year is such a popular time for family pictures, and that's for good reason! It's not crazy hot, the leaves are beautiful, and it's time to start thinking about Christmas cards, but it's also such a hectic time with football, basketball, volleyball, soccer, dance, and all the other activities converging at once. It can be so difficult to find time in your schedule for all your people to be able to be in the picture...and for the sun to still be up and awake! But I haven't met one family who regrets putting in the work and making it a priority!
Angie and Jordan, thank you for trusting me with your pictures again! What you don't see in this picture is my two girls behind me ferociously eating graham crackers while I take pictures. Angie took the big one to the bathroom when it became an emergency and all the kids played with both girls throughout the whole session! Annie is still talking about it! Thanks for being such a fun family and loving on mine, too!