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Mattie + Ryan Engagement

In college, I worked as a children's minister for a local church. My senior year, a new family moved to town to join the faculty of OBU. Not only was Dr. Dodson my new Greek professor, but I had the honor of having his two oldest kids in a small group I led for children each week. Now they are both engaged...apparently I've gotten older and didn't realize it? :)

Mattie is the kindest, most passionate girl. And she has picked such a fun, amazing guy to do life with! Their love is just contagious. I couldn't help but smile to see how they looked at each other and giggled every time they got close. They were amazing in their session, and I couldn't be more excited to share these images!

Both of their moms got to tag along in their session, which I absolutely loved. Mattie's parents have been friends of Chuck's and mine for a long time, and they have loved our family so well. And I had the privilege of working with Ryan's mom when I worked for OBU after graduation. They were the perfect assistants always willing to hold, carry, create shade, and share some bravery when needed :)

Mattie and Ryan are beautiful inside and out! Their love points straight to the blessing of Jesus over their lives. Together, they have great dreams and big aspirations, and I can't wait to follow along with their wonderful story — thanks for letting me be part of your beginning!


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