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Naomi — LR One-Year Session

Caitlyn and I went to OBU together, and she was a student while I was on staff, but we didn't know each other well until we reconnected last year through Bible Study Fellowship. We were put in the same discussion group, and  we were two of very few younger girls, and we were both pregnant, so it was the perfect time to catch back up.

When Naomi was born, she was the most beautiful baby. Her big dark brown eyes are so pretty and she has the sweetest smile. I was able to photograph their fun family for their Christmas card back in the fall, and I was so happy with Caitlyn asked me to photograph Naomi again for her first birthday this spring.

Naomi is wearing a family heirloom dress in her pictures. Caitlyn's grandmother made it for one of Caitlyn's cousins, and now all the girls in the family have had their turn for pictures in it, including Caitlyn. It was just perfect for the beautiful spring background. We worked a little magic in the location where we were too to create the beautiful light in a field look...check out my instagram @beccagowensphotography for some behind the scenes of what the field looked like when we drove up!


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