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Woodall Grands - Bryant Cousin Session

Whenever we get our kids together, we usually try to get some pictures. This trip, we wanted to get Hoey's 2-year pictures done as well as try to get a good one of all four kids (under 4!) in their seersucker outfits! I would say that I hope no one saw us trying to accomplish this, but I kinda do hope someone had to have caused some good laughs. It was stressful and SOOO HOT, and I may or may not have yelled unfairly at my mom (she forgave me), but we did it!

The shoot started out really well, and Hoey was a champ! And I LOVE the individual pictures we got of each of the kids. As far as the group pictures, I took hundreds, literally hundreds. From the ones I kept and edited, we have laughed over and over — the ones we let the kids scream in, the ones we tried "If You're Happy and You Know It" to get them to at least do the same thing, we love them all.

But the ones of Annie and Royce bring me to tears every single time. These girls love each other so fiercely, and they're only three. They are each other's best friends, and sometimes they are each other's invisible friends too! They know how to push each other's buttons and make each other scream, but they can't wait to give each other bear hugs and kisses, and they cry when they have to leave each other. Every one needs a friendship like theirs. Nothing they can do to each other will change their love for each other. They love each other because they know their relationship is special. More than once, someone who doesn't know our story has come up to me and said, "um, Annie said that her sister is her cousin?" I just smile and reply, "well yes, she's her 'sissy' but they are cousins." They're the best, and it's the sweetest blessing to have these two little cuzzie twins grow up together.


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